3D Secure Guide
When 3D secure is activated on a channel and a card enrolled, the payment workflow changes from synchronous to asynchronous (see Asynchronous Workflow for more information). This means that if you have enabled 3D secure, you must include the shopperResultUrl
in your synchronous requests.
NOTE: For COMO World COPY&PAY 3D secure is automatically integrated so it is not necessary to implement anything additional to handle 3D secure
Liability Shift
Transactions that have gone through 3D secure often benefit from a chargeback liability shift (for certain types of chargeback). However, the rules vary from region to region and card scheme.
For detailed rules and regulations regarding the liability shift, please contact your acquirer.
Result codes
Description | Result code |
3DSecure Error (85) User Authentication Failed | 100.380.401 |
Risk management transaction timeout | 100.380.501 |
PARes Validation failed | 100.390.102 |
3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature | 100.390.103 |
3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 |
Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system | 800.100.152 |
Transaction succeeded | 000.000.000 |
Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 |
Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.112 |
Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 |
User not enrolled | 000.400.102 |
3D Secure test cards
Brand | Card Number / CVV / Expiry Date (MMYY) | Return Code Description | Return Code | ECI flag |
Visa | 4005559876540 | Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system | 800.100.152 | 05 |
Visa | 4012010000000000009 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 05 |
Visa | 4012001036275556 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 00 |
Visa | 4012001038443335 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 06 |
Visa | 4012001038488884 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 07 |
Visa | 4012001036298889 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 00 |
Visa | 4012001036853337 | 3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature | 100.390.103 | 05 |
Visa | 4012001036983332 | 3DSecure Error (85) PARes Validation failed - problem with signature | 100.390.103 | 05 |
Visa | 4012001037141112 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 05 |
Visa | 4005559876540 | Authorization Error (95) transaction declined by authorization system | 800.100.152 | 05 |
Visa | 4012001037167778 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 06 |
Visa | 4012001037461114 | 3DSecure Error (85) User Authentication Failed | 100.380.401 | 07 |
Visa | 4012001037484447 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 00 |
Visa | 4012001037490006 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 05 |
Visa | 4012001037490014 | Successful Processing (00) Request successfully processed in 'Merchant in Connector Test Mode' | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 05 |
Visa | 4716319370304553 | Risk management transaction timeout | 100.380.501 | 07 |
MasterCard | 5285601704480326 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 02 |
MasterCard | 5388670213787816 | Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 | 07 |
MasterCard | 5567269875679677 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 01 |
MasterCard | 5172837709537381 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 01 |
MasterCard | 5245018215178191 | User not enrolled | 000.400.102 | 01 |
MasterCard | 5386024192625914 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 07 |
MasterCard | 5215203694927708 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 07 |
MasterCard | 5405531070110469 | Risk management transaction timeout | 100.380.501 | 07 |
American Express | 341111597242513 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 05 |
American Express | 341111599241000 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 06 |
American Express | 374245455400001 | Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 | 07 |
American Express | 373953192354008 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 07 |
American Express | 374500261001009 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 07 |
American Express | 375705004001005 | Risk management transaction timeout | 100.380.501 | 07 |
American Express | 373000000391002 | PARes Validation failed | 100.390.102 | 06 |
Discover | 6011000100000003 | Request successfully processed | 000.100.110 or 000.100.112 | 05 |
Diners | 36000100123056 | Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 | 07 |
Diners | 36000100123064 | 3DSecure Error (85) Technical Error in 3D system | 100.390.112 | 00 |
Diners | 36000200000014 | PARes Validation failed | 100.390.102 | 00 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 5019994016364194 / 838 / 0125 | Transaction succeeded | 000.000.000 | 05 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 5019994016316467 / 375 / 1023 | Transaction succeeded | 000.000.000 | 05 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 5019994001307083 / 615 / 0521 | Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 | 07 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 4571024600466560 / 140 / 1116 | Card not participating/authentication unavailable | 000.400.101 | 07 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 5019994001368978 / 395 / 0521 | PARes Validation failed | 100.390.102 | 07 |
Dankort (works only with the Dankort MPI simulator) | 5019974500138239 / 580 / 0823 | PARes Validation failed | 100.390.102 | 07 |